Is it spring yet?
Photo by Paweł Furman on Unsplash
We had a taste of it here in New York City this week. 74 degrees! In February. Alas, now it's rainy and cold-ish. With all that's happening in the world, I am always looking for things I love — things that make me smile, things that help my mind escape, and things that make the state of things and the dreary weather a little cheerier. Looking for this stuff is a big part of self-care for me.
A List (in no particular order) of things I'm loving this week:
This No Age Song...
Watching Mr & Mrs. Murder
This has been my go-to-in-bed-fun-murder-mystery-husband-and-wife show all week. You can watch it on Acorn, which if you don't have, I highly recommend for watching English and Australian shows that are not available elsewhere.
This sleep mask for lips!!
I love a good skincare product and it's hard for me to find ones that really work for winter-dry lips. This lip sleeping mask from LANEIGE is real good. I'm in love. And My lips are too. Self- care for lips, y'all!
This Jamie Isaac Song.
Raw Amour Dark Chocolate Truffles
I can't have dairy right now, so I'm always on the lookout for sweet treats that I can eat. I grabbed these Raw Amour dark chocolate truffles on a whim from the refrigerated section at Whole Foods yesterday and OMG...they are so good. They're vegan, soy-free, and low glycemic. Even if they weren't all those things, I'd be all in. I love finding treats that are 100% crave-worthy and somehow don't make me feel like crap after I eat them. You're welcome.