Erin Khar

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Old Headshots And New Reads

Photo by Alfons Morales on Unsplash

Hey Girl, hey.

Tuesday is May 1st. Wha?? My April was a whirlwind of work, work, work, work, baby, and more work. How was yours? 

One of the things I realized last week was that I have not been making the time to read for pleasure. I mean, I read for work ALL THE TIME. But, I haven't been making that space to just read what I want to read. And reading, for me, is A BIG part of self-care. 

So, I made reading a priority again and started last week off with Terese Marie Mailhot's exquisite  memoir Heart Berries. I urge everyone to read it. You can read it in a day or a weekend and you won't want to put it down and will be sad when it's over, because it's so damn good. 

Oh, did you catch the #oldheadshotday social media wave last week? No? Well, then you missed this gem...

That's right, I look like I just walked off the set of Party of Five, no? Anyhow...

I also read some beautiful and moving stuff on the Internet the past couple of weeks. So, check these out (and you're welcome)...

ALSO.... Holy Moly they caught the GOLDEN STATE KILLER, you guys. 

AND, AND, AND.... I have been listening to this on repeat....